Remote Shiva Temples needing immediate attention
Village Karani is located Enroute Kanchipuram to Uttiramerur (via Manampathi) . It is 7 Kms from Uttiramerur. A large Shiva linga is located in the middle of the village. There are evidences of the presence of a large temple in the past. But there is no other information available. The villagers are attempting to build a temple.For more details.
Shri. Subramani 9629388949,
Shri. Adimoolam 9445273202, 9629072025
Shri. Devan 9444367877

Ammaiappanallur : 4 Kms from Uttiramerur, amidst paddy fields, this Shiva Linga can be found. The temple can be seen outside. Contact: Sridhar – 9443556712

Palakaliyampoondi – 8 Kms from Uttiramerur
Located admist bushes this Shiva Linga can be seen. A snake visits this Shiva Linga every night.
Contact: Ramesh Reddiyar – 9751035360
Salabogham Shiva Temple
5 Kms from Kanchipuram, near Pillayarpalayam bus stop. No pujas are being peformed.
Contact: Mr.Vinod Kumar – 8124457841,